In the article, you will learn why it occurs, how it manifests itself and how to treat osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint.
14 March 2022
Causes, symptoms and stages of development, diagnosis and treatment options for ankle joint arthrosis.
16 December 2021
What is osteochondrosis and the causes of its occurrence. Methods of treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine: medications, exercises, as well as folk remedies (compresses, infusions and decoctions, applications, friction, therapeutic baths).
30 September 2020
What are arthritis and osteoarthritis? What are the similarities and differences between diseases? The causes of development, symptoms, treatment of pathologies.
16 September 2020
Arthrosis: description of the disease, pathogenesis, triggering factors, symptoms, diagnostic measures and treatment.
11 September 2020